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If there is anything that 2020 has taught as a Scheme, is the importance of sticking to the basics and doing the right thing. When the COVID-19 pandemic started in South Africa, we made the decision to do right by our members by offering comprehensive cover from prevention to treatment.
We would like to reiterate our stance and remind you of our cover:
In order to support members in taking precautionary measures, Bestmed will also cover hand sanitisers from members’ available over the counter (OTC) benefits if purchased from a registered pharmacy.
Out of Hospital Benefits: Physical, Telephonic and Video Consultations
To help members take the necessary measures, Bestmed has funded over 13 000 COVID-19 tests thus far. As per the Council for Medical Schemes’ (CMS’) guidelines, Bestmed will fund screening consultations and pathology tests as a prescribed minimum benefit (PMB) from the Scheme risk benefit, whether the test is negative or positive where members comply with both the parameters listed below:
The member shows symptoms for COVID-19, and/or was in contact with individuals with the virus; and
If a member is asymptomatic and is not referred by a healthcare worker and, consultations and pathology tests will be paid from the relevant Scheme benefits according to their option rules and benefit availability.
Bestmed requires that members obtain a referral by a healthcare professional before taking a COVID-19 test. The Scheme is aware of concerns regarding the risk to members that might not be infected with the virus and infected members who may inadvertently spread the virus, however, it should be noted that is medically necessary for you to consult with your provider. Members are encouraged to take the required safety precautions when visiting their provider, and to keep in mind that Bestmed also covers telephonic and video consultations with healthcare providers during the national lockdown. Telephonic and video consultations will be paid in accordance with benefit provision as per your selected Bestmed option, or from Scheme risk as a PMB in line with the parameters listed above.
In-hospital benefits
Bestmed covers hospitalisation at 100% Scheme rates if members are tested positive for COVID-19. Members must kindly note that, pre-authorisation is required for hospitalisation and that you need to use one of our designated service providers if you are on a network option. The list of the dedicated network of services providers can be accessed via the online member portal, as well as via the Bestmed App.
The Council for Medical Schemes (CMS) recently announced that it will be driving public-private sector collaborations to ensure equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine has been identified as a Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB) by Dr Zweli Mkhize, Minister of Health. This means that the COVID-19 vaccine will be regarded as PMB level of care and needs to be funded in full by the Scheme, regardless of the member’s option or available benefits, when it becomes available.
The National Department of Health (NDoH) will be responsible for single, centralised procurement of COVID-19 vaccines. Therefore, as it stands, the sourcing and distribution of the vaccine will be a national roll-out project coordinated by the NDoH. NDoH will contract with suppliers to purchase stock and will allocate vaccines to provincial health departments and the private healthcare sector.
Accreditation is required for private providers to administer the vaccines and Bestmed will fund the vaccination cost at any of these accredited providers. Vaccinations will be allocated to various priority groups for administration of the vaccines:
Bestmed understands that the national vaccination system will be based on pre-vaccination registration and an appointment for vaccination. There will be a unified Information Technology (IT) platform, including public and private sectors, which will manage patient allocation of the vaccine. This platform will manage who is eligible in terms of the risk algorithm to receive the vaccine in the phased roll out. It is envisaged that all vaccinated individuals will be on a national register and will be given a vaccination card.
All the major pharmacy groups are committed, and are preparing, to be accredited to provide the required vaccination services.
In conclusion, Bestmed will work within guidelines set out by the NDoH and CMS to ensure that the vaccine is available to our members and accordingly be covered as a PMB.