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Feb 07, 2022

It seems like there is a glimmering light of hope at the end of the tunnel with the easing of the COVID-19 alert level 1 regulations. However, if we abandon and lose sight of what we’ve all sacrificed and fought for to conquer the virus for close to two years, we could return back to square one and another unpleasant wave. Fortunately, on the other side of the coin, if we continue to adhere to the precautionary measures in place as best advised by experts, we will soon be able to enjoy the pleasures of ‘normality’ as we once knew it.

At the core of the newly updated COVID-19 regulations, is the gradual return of scholars and educators to full-time learning on school premises. As this may appear as a positive indication of restoration of ‘normality’, it also raises concerns of the heightened risk such individuals would be exposed to.

So, we have compiled a short list below of back-to-school precautionary measures and personal protective equipment (PPE) essentials for educators and parents, to ensure scholars worry less, keep safe and perform at their best to achieve top results this year:

  1. Face mask – If you forget one thing on this list make sure it isn’t a face mask. As a mandatory PPE essential in public areas, it is one of the safest ways against contracting COVID-19.
  2. Hand sanitiser and disinfecting wipes – Hands are the most common body parts that are easily exposed and touch many surfaces. Therefore, it is important to disinfect common working surfaces and sanitising your hands with a >60% alcohol-based sanitser to kill the germs and bacteria.
  3. Personal school supplies – One of the safest ways to minimise physical contact amongst scholars is the use of clearly labelled personal sets of stationery.
  4. Water bottle – To avoid using hands and mouths to drink from communal taps and water fountains, carrying a personal water bottle is advisable.
  5. Stay home should symptoms develop. This is last on the list but not the least. Should any symptomatic signs develop, it is advisable to stay home and follow the updated COVID-19 level 1 alert regulations, regarding symptoms, isolation periods and exposure.

Get the vaccine

Visit a Dis-Chem, Clicks, Van Heerden, Alpha Pharm, or Sparkport Pharmacy near you and book your COVID-19 vaccination and boosters. Alternatively, you can book online and reserve your booking times at Clicks.



Mayo Clinic Health System. (2020, August 6). Complete your COVID-19 back-to-school checklist. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic Health System: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/featured-topic/complete-your-covid-19-back-to-school-checklist
Parkview Health. (2020, October 08). Back to school checklist. Retrieved from Parkview health: https://www.parkview.com/community/dashboard/back-to-school-checklist
Sharp Health News. (2021, August 11). Covid-19 back-to-school checklist. Retrieved from Sharp Health News: https://www.sharp.com/health-news/covid-19-your-back-to-school-checklist.cfm

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