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Pilates is a form of exercise that was developed during World War I by Joseph Pilates, a German physical trainer. It helps to condition your muscles, improving strength and flexibility. It especially focuses on developing your core muscles through small, controlled movements.
Bestmed is offering free online Pilates classes to all of its members through the Bestmed Tempo wellness programme. Details to join can be found at the end of this article.
Good for your body
By focusing on the core, Pilates should not only improve your muscle strength and flexibility, but your balance and posture.Your core and back muscles are used in combination with controlled breathing to initiate contractions. Movements are short and there are few repetitions.
Pilates may also increase endurance and decrease joint pain if practised often enough. It’s often used to help recover from injuries.
Good for your mind
Joseph Pilates believed that physical and mental health are interrelated. Because Pilates also focuses on controlled breathing, it may offer you stress relief and mental clarity.
What you will need
You will only need a mat for our online Pilates classes. However, Pilates also uses specialised resistance equipment, such as the reformer, on which a wide variety of exercises can be done.
Who can do it?
Everyone is welcome. However, consult with your doctor or qualified instructor if you’re pregnant, suffer from neck or back pain (or any other physical restrictions), or have respiratory problems. Also, be careful not to push yourself past your limits, as doing so may cause injury.
Bestmed’s online Pilates classes
Check the schedules below to join Bestmed’s online Pilates classes in your region.
Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Mornings classes: 05:00; 07:00; 09:00
Afternoon classes: 17:00; 18:00
Every Saturday
Morning class: 08:00
Mpumulanga Zoom Platform
Link: https://zoom.us/j/9889224908?pwd=SDJOZnEzYk1tVm9ONEwra3BSZ2FKZz09
ID: 988 922 4908
Passcode: lowmed
Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Mornings classes: 05:00; 07:00; 09:00
Afternoon classes: 17:00; 18:00
Every Saturday
Morning class: 08:00
NW, LMP, NC,EC,WC Zoom Platform
Link: https://bestmed.zoom.us/j/5784044754pwd=MnR0N2k2bng5TUlYOURMWEJ1SmEzQT09
ID: 578 404 4754
Passcode: Pilates
Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Mornings classes: 05:00; 06:00; 09:00
Afternoon classes: 17:00; 18:00
Every Saturday
Morning class: 08:00
GP classes
Link: https://bestmed.zoom.us/j/86896491909?pwd=aDZzYk1tTVpmd01rRzYraHBPTzNNdz09
ID: 868 9649 1909
Passcode: 652679
Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
Mornings classes: 07:00; 09:00
Afternoon classes: 12:00; 17:00
Every Saturday
Morning class: 08:00
FS classes
Link: https://bestmed.zoom.us/j/85390409317?pwd=TndLMVVqNlluUERabFpzb2pOM0JlZz09
ID: 853 9040 9317
Passcode: 123456