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Medical aid members and their dependants are protected by the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), and in this article we look at what it means for dependants turning 18 years and older.
The POPI Act applies to any person or organisation who keeps any type of records relating to the personal information of anyone, unless those records are subject to other legislation which protects such information more stringently.
It therefore sets the minimum standards for the protection of personal information and regulates the processing of personal information. Processing includes collecting, receiving, recording, organising, retrieving, or using such information; or disseminating, distributing or making such personal information available.
The Act also relates to records which are already in the possession of the entity or person doing the processing and this includes your records which Bestmed keeps.
The law recognises all people who are 18 (eighteen) years of age and older, as adults. While Bestmed appreciates that the medical aid policy exists between the principal member and the Scheme, it is also important that we recognise the confidentiality of your adult dependant as required by POPIA and other privacy laws.
All members who have dependants who are 18 years or older are required to update these members’ details by completing the form that can be accessed HERE, and email it for us to update our records.
Completing the form will enable us to communicate directly with the dependants ensuring that their medical information is protected in terms of POPIA.
We place a high premium on the privacy of our members and their dependants, and we acknowledge the importance of ensuring that all our beneficiaries’ personal information is handled with care.