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Jul 31, 2022

You may have heard this 100 times, but it’s probably because it’s true, planning and time management are critical tools that assist us to reach our intended goal.

Managing the pressure to succeed in all aspects of life and finding time to do it all appears to be one of the most difficult challenges confronting society today.  In a performance-driven world are expected to bring our A-game every day, and one of the biggest issues we often face is time management. Maintaining healthy work-life balance is cardinal to your overall wellbeing and happiness.

Taking the time to iron out your priorities and sorting them according to what’s most important to the least important may sound too simple, but it will give you the best chance of staying on track and organised when handling different tasks. You will have a realistic picture of what you have completed and what still needs to be done, which will help reduce stress levels. 

A lot of factors contribute to maintaining optimal health, which will in turn help you achieve your goals. For example, something as simple as eating balanced and nutritional meals can significantly contribute to how alert and focussed you feel throughout the day. 

Here are some tips to considering during this stressful season:

  • Cut back on unnecessary commitments – create a schedule of things that are a priority for you and that you enjoy spending time on
  • Be flexible to changes in circumstances
  • Plan – use a diary (whether hard or soft copy) to plan for projects at work, family and social time and spending me-time reading a book or pursuing a hobby
  • Avoid distractions and procrastination 
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Exercise  to keep a healthy mind and body
  • Get enough sleep 
  • Manage your stress
  • Take breaks in between
  • Reward yourself after completing a measurable goal or achievement

Visit the Bestmed website for more information on healthy alternative meals, exercise plans, sleep hygiene and how to beat burnouts. To ensure you stay consistent, join our Bestmed wellness programme, Tempo . Tempo is specifically designed to help you improve your health and reap the benefits that come with it. 

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